6 Important Duties & Responsibilities a Quantity Surveyor You Should Know

Australian tax depreciation consists of a number of aspects. It is easier said than done to fully understand the legal elements within it and therefore make an informed decision based on one’s understanding. Most home owners consider hiring a quantity surveyor to ease the workload.

A quantity surveyor discharges numerous responsibilities on behalf of their client. They undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Cost Estimating:

This role involves observing all the minute details related to a building and evaluating them to estimate the possible cost of its construction. A surveyor takes design preferences and the regulations into consideration in order to come up with the right cost estimate.

2. Cost Planning:

Cost planning is all about a comparison between the actual cost of constructing a building and the budget for the project. This not only throws light on the problematic areas but also enables owners to come up with the right kind of documentation.

3. Cost Studies:

The dynamics of the real estate sector are changing day by day and the trend is likely to remain that way in the upcoming years. Quantity surveyors use cost studies to study the difference in costs between two similar projects. They prepare a tax depreciation report based on it to help their clients formulate the right kind of budget plan.

4. Time Management:

Punctuality is a vital element of success for every business endeavour. And it is all the more important in the case of construction and the real estate industry. A quantity surveyor evaluates all the factors linked to the construction of a building so a project can be executed within a given timeframe.

5. Payments to Stakeholders in Time:

It is one of the important responsibilities of Deppro quantity surveyors to take care of the payments to stakeholders in a timely manner. This lends a helping hand in avoiding disputes related to payments.

6. Timely Visits to the Site:

An analysis of the progression of a project is one of the imperatives of the success of a project. It makes perfect sense on the part of an investor to invest in a project which is doing well. At the same time, it is also important to identify poorly performing projects and look for opportunities for cost savings.

A qualified quantity surveyor holds discussions with all the stakeholders to find out if things are working fine. Thereafter, they share the updates with their clients based on their findings.


The above duties and responsibilities highlight the important role of tax depreciation quantity surveyors for both existing and potential owners of properties. They are the virtual assistants who make things simple and easy.