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What is Tax Depreciation?

Owning an investment property is a fantastic way to secure your future and achieve financial freedom; however, many investors are overpaying tax on their investment by not claiming a tax deduction for their property depreciation. What is Tax Depreciation? Tax depreciation is the depreciation claimed by an investment property owner to compensate for the loss […]

Are You Ready for Tax Time?

Most taxpayers in Sydneysuffer from panic attacks and spend sleepless nights when the tax filing season comes each year. This is understandable because tax return filing can be complex,especially to those with diverse incomes or have participated in investing in property. The tax codes and guidelines to comply and the error penalties make it worse. […]

Get More Tax Back-Here’s How

Every year you are required by law to pay your taxes. Investing in propertyis a great way to reduce taxes because it comes with a range of tax benefits.Every property owner wants to save money on their taxes and tax depreciation is one of the many ways. This reduction is due to consistent use or […]

Frequently Asked Depreciation Questions

Most people focus on cash flow when buying investment properties. They overlook greater benefits like depreciation on investment propertyand tax benefits. One of the biggest benefits of depreciation is that it can reduce reportable net income and therefore your taxes. To help you better understand depreciation, here are some of the most frequently asked questions. […]

Property Investors Need to Know 4 Things About Depreciation

Property is a good choice for an investment as it is less prone to risk. It can be profitable if you take the time and make the effort. You will overcome the rigors of the property investment territory if have a vivid vision of your goals. An investment property calculator will help you to estimate […]

Your Rental and Depreciation

What makes property investment affordable for the average Australian is tax allowances, and one of the best allowances is depreciation. Rental property depreciation is an essential tax allowance to claim. But you need to understand the tax consequences and how to claim the deductions. You also need to know how this choice will affect your […]

5 Tips to Prepare for Tax Season

The closing of a financial year means it’s time to start planning for tax season. This time can seem complicated, but tax time does not have to be a burden. Earning an income during a financial year means you must lodge a tax return. The tax return determines whether you have a net tax debt […]

Save 10% With DEPPRO: Save Money on Depreciation

Are you a small business owner who is struggling to save money? Did you know that you could save with property depreciation? Ideally, real estate depreciation on a rental property can lower your taxable income. Consider that annually the government deducts your assets depreciation amount from the assessable income to determine the taxable income. If […]

4 Benefits of Building an Investment Property

Are you contemplating if building a new structure on your piece of land is the right choice? Going for this approach gives you many benefits as an investor. You get your own builder and do some research about what the trends in real estate are, what people are willing to pay for. You want to […]