
How Does Depreciation Add Value to Your Investment?

Every investor invests their wealth into a property to earn profitable returns and this is a story prevalent since years. However, this becomes a little tricky with older properties such as an older building. Due to wear and tear from time to time, its value diminishes over time. Wear and tear of a property is a constraint that is considered at all times when you plan to sell out a property. Depreciation tax benefit serves as one of the valuable means to promote the value of commercial or residential property for investors.

If you have invested in a property of late, depreciation can help you to not only retain its value but also get you more out of it. By lowering the overall tax liability, you can save hundreds to thousands of dollars every year on your taxes.

Read on to know more about how you can get more out of tax depreciation investment property.

Tax Depreciation Adds Value to an Existing Building or Structure:

It is important to bear in mind that tax depreciation does not enhance the value of land. It maximizes the value of a property, especially an old building which is subject to wear and tear. Because it may necessitate renovation or maintenance at the subsequent stages, things can get expensive on the part of an investor. Tax depreciation on such properties can help you keep things under your control in terms of charges involved in repairs or renovation.

Tax Depreciation Does Not Involve Any Upfront Payment

Being a noncash deduction, depreciation does not necessitate the payment of upfront charges. However, to overcome various legal hurdles, it is imperative that you gain an understanding of requirements related to depreciation. This will provide you with the right idea to improve the cash flow of your investment.

Tax Depreciation Helps an Investor Conceal a Cash-Positive Rental:

Depreciation has an interesting spin-off. To elude the possibility of paying an extra amount of money, you can use the tricks of the trade linked to the Australian tax depreciation. By following this simple rule, you can make cash-positive rental look like a loss on paper. Of course, you need to reach out to the right consultant to take advantage of this feature.

What Should You Do to Reap the Benefits of Depreciation?

If you wish to enjoy the positives of depreciation on investment property ATO, the most important thing you need to do is follow the rules. This will help you keep abreast with the ways in which you can benefit from depreciation in the best possible manner.

Because it is easier said than done to deal with the ins and outs or the technical details of the rules related to depreciation, you should consider hiring a professional. Think about consulting an accountant to ensure that your practices are in line with the rules. This is the sure-fire way to benefit from depreciation as an investor.

How Common Property Assets Can Supercharge Your Upfront Deductions

It is pertinent that investors are aware of all of their entitlements. One of such is an entitlement to claim against a unit you own in the ambit of a complex. You can make this claim premised upon your share of the ownership.

This yield on investment property is most commonly denoted in form of a unit entitlement.

It is usually reflected on the strata plan of the owner or upon the plans of subdivision. You can measure this entitlement to claim per lot and then a summation of all the lots.

Unit Entitlement: Explained

Let’s understand this by analysing an example. So let’s assume that unit entitlement of a person is (say) 60 and the aggregate of all the lost come down to 800. Then, by this, we can deduce that the person has a 7.5% claim over the commonly owned assets.

In a typical example, per unit claim gets smaller in case there are larger developments involved. However, this small percentage can contribute considerably to the claim. That’s how Deppro Perth works. The two basic and very common headings under depreciation are the structure of the building and the assets of the plant.

Importance of Common Area Deductions in the Depreciation Schedule

Undeniable claims can be derived through the construction value of common areas when looking at the structure of the building alone. Building tax depreciation can be filed for returns. For instance, if one particular unit of your property has a construction cost of approximately $100,000, but the additional detailing done to it like pools, floors, gyms etc. can add up to thousands or even millions of dollars.

The real impact of the common area deductions can be traced on the assets mainly associated with plants and equipment. Numerous assets are usually left unnoticed such as fire alarms, fans used for ventilation, carpets, lifts, etc. All these carry huge investment amounts which can be tax deductible.

Even an air conditioning plant that holds a value of millions of dollars will give out a single unit entitlement of a couple of thousand dollars to the investor because of the deduction that occurred across years. Thus, an asset like air conditioners which carry high investment amounts is not actually which would provide you with considerable deduction. But, numerous other assets and equipment do promise complete depreciable value return to the investor annually.

How does it work?

This happens in a very logical manner. The assets or equipment which are of less than $301 and aren’t a member of any particular set, can be written off completely. An example of this can be taken of the door stoppers. Collectively when seen, the stoppers can cost over $25,000 but when the share of an individual investor is calculated, it’ll hardly reach up to $100. Other than this, some other common assets which are commonly used by the investors and thus fall under the category include motors, assets used for barbecue, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, treadmills, swimming pools, and their accessories etc. All of them are deductible immediately and can give you remarkably reduced taxable property.


ATO property depreciation reduction can be experienced to a great extent by the common property. This is the major reason why units help you extract more deductions than houses generally. A fact to pay attention to is where the deduction is in the schedule. A large number of assets have a tendency of giving the deductions within the birth year of the ownership of the unit. This allows the investor to grab the advantage of improving his/her cash flow statements. Thus, a significant charge can be experienced in the upfront deductions of your common assets and their depreciation.

Everything You Need to Know about Holiday Rentals Depreciation

Holiday rentals depreciation is not claimed as often as we’d like it to be. Investors often miss this deduction and it is surprising how strongly the statistics depict the lack thereof. This could be due to numerous reasons despite the considerable benefits of tax depreciation deductions.

In actuality, those who own holiday rentals have the ability or entitlement to make a claim against depreciation. So, they can easily be claiming depreciation on property as well as furniture which is in the ambit of the rent period.

The whopping statistics show that people owing holiday rentals can accrue a great deal of profit or savings by this. All they need to do is have a tax depreciation plan and they can save a considerable amount.

What Can You Do?
As a smart rental property owner, you can draw up your tax schedule of depreciation to be entitled for the claims. Or you can even have an estimate drawn at how much claim you’ll receive so that you have a better idea.

Being at the top of your game with your taxes can help you be an optimal business owner.


Being the owner of your investment property already helps you in availing the best of your business. However, being smarter and more aware along the way is the game changer. So the most optimal way to ensure maximization of profits is preparing your depreciation schedule.

All you need to do is reach out to Deppro and we’ll take care of everything. From preparing to reviewing your depreciation schedule for tax, we’ll do it all. We will even give you a review of your entitled amount of deductions.

6 signs of an amazing property manager

When you purchase an investment property you can’t shoulder the burden of managing it yourself. Investors regularly pass this duty on to their property managers. Of course there’s a few ‘unreputable’ characters out there, but the professionals are worth their weight in gold (or rental profits!).

When you’re comparing agencies and individuals, make sure you’re noting down these five points:


Their vacancy rates
As in, they’re minimal. Good property management equals low vacancy rates. Your property won’t lack for tenants because the manager has done their job properly.

Senior management aren’t afraid to be hand-on with the work and that’s another reason why some firms are so successful. The more experienced people are still in the game, doing their best for their clients.


They have a network of services
Yes, the manager’s main job is to MAINTAIN your properties and make sure the rent is getting paid. But they should offer more than just this basic service. A good firm will also check the market to make sure rent is fair. They’ll calculate invoices for you. There’s a network of trades on speed-dial when something has to get repaired. In short, you don’t have to lift a finger, because your property manager should be taking on most of the responsibility.

Got a property problem? They have someone to fix it.

The door’s always open
Irregular communication is a red flag. Property managers must call their clients regularly with updates about the homes and spaces they’re responsible for. It doesn’t matter if the news is bad. Transparency is key. Plus, when the client calls, they’ll always answer unless there’s an emergency.


They come highly recommended
If an investor is happy with their team, of course they’ll spread the word and recommend them. Investors reach out to each other regularly for advice about who to hire and what market actions to take.

If you know an investor with a good portfolio who seems to be sailing along with a big smile on their face, ask them who manages their properties. Alternatively, you can do a Google search and look at recent My Business reviews.


Everyone’s happy
If people in the property management firm look like they’d rather be somewhere else, it’s best to walk right out the door again and not take the meeting. If staff are happy and content in their job, they’re going to do their best for YOU too.


Genuinely happy staff will care more about your investments


The firm is a well-oiled machine
Your property manager should have a regimented schedule that encompasses everything they do. Inspections are a regular occurrence alongside rent payments and client meetings.


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