5 Smart Ways for Investors to Use the Extra Cash from Depreciation

Do you know that you can improve your cash flow with estimate tax returns? This happens because depreciation essentially lowers taxable income which means you can foresee more precisely and put more money in your pocket at tax time. When people get this extra cash in their pocket, they tend to put this money into savings, buying a property, car, going on a holiday, or even put it towards the daily living expenses. But if you are an investor and want to use this extra cash in smarter ways, here are few options for you:

1. Pay Your Debts:

It is always best to do the necessary things rather than buying a new car etc. If you have any major debts, this is a very good chance for you to reduce or eliminate them.

2. Expand Your Portfolio:

Your financial advisor will tell you that modifying or diversifying is a great way to reduce risk and is important for your long-term financial success. When you have a modified portfolio, different investments are likely to react differently to the same event; which means, if one of your areas is suffering, you will still have another area growing. This will save you from a significant financial loss.

3. Invest in a Renovation in Your Properties:

It is always a good idea to keep your investment property prim and proper. Try to invest in high quality appliances and change the overall look with a fresh coat of paint. Using this extra cash from property depreciation tax deduction to improve your current investment property is a nice idea. Renovations obviously also boost rental returns and increase the overall property value.

4. Expand Your Business:

When you are a commercial property investor or in a business of a tenant, extra cash never goes in vain. Depending on how your business is travelling, you can use that extra cash to expand the horizon. It means expanding the business or investing in other properties for business. For example, you can buy new properties and equipment for new properties.

5. Grow Your Portfolio:

As an investor, you should never stop at one property. You will experience greater success and returns by growing your property portfolio. But you have to consider this only if this works for you and your financial situation and fits you right with your investment goals. It is always a good idea to do some research to make sure you are investing in the right area to maximize capital growth and rental returns.

Consult an Advisor

It is important to note that these are only generalized ways to invest your money in better ways. It is always best to consult Deppro quantity surveyors to determine the best course of action for your circumstances.

Bottom Line:

There are many other ways in which you can boost your cash returns from the tax return you get in your pocket. However, you need to go through the ATO tax depreciation schedule for a detailed picture.

3 Facts about Quantity Surveyors You Must Cross-check When Selecting One for Obtaining a Depreciation Schedule

Before you purchase a property from an investment point of view, your accountant or your rental property manager will always advise you to consult a quantity surveyor, especially when dealing with  depreciation tax deductions. A quantity surveyor specializes in estimating the value of your assets for depreciation purposes. But before you deal with a quantity surveyor, you need to learn certain facts about them, which are discussed below:

1. Quantity Surveyors Are All Acknowledged by the Australian Taxation Office

As mentioned in the beginning, a quantity surveyor is acknowledged as a professional who is eligible to estimate your construction cost that can be eliminated for tax depreciation. A quantity surveyor specializes in preparing tax depreciation reports for you. They can come up with a comprehensive tax depreciation schedule that outlines all the deductions you are eligible to claim. Though these deductions vary depending on your circumstance and the type of property purchased, the construction starting date, any renovations that have taken place, and the moment you exchanged contracts to purchase the property.

2. Quantity Surveyors Hold the Required Industry Qualifications

You are advised to do a background check before you appoint a quality surveyor. Make sure he is an authentic tax agent with a registration certificate for the tax depreciation work. There is an appropriate standard of professional and ethical conduct and regulations provided by the 2009 Tax Service Act (TASA) that every tax agent and financial adviser have to obey. The Tax Practitioners Board also says that the quantity surveyors who are preparing the report must be acknowledged by the Tax Service Act 2009.

3. Ask Your Quantity Surveyor All the Questions about Depreciation Schedule

You should opt for tax depreciation quantity surveyors who can inspect the site to estimate the tax depreciation properly. If a quantity surveyor refuses to visit your property, there are high chances that they may miss evaluating some assets and henceforth will not be able to include them in the final tax depreciation report.

Bottom Line

A good quantity surveyor will cover the depreciation of all your assets in their depreciation report and will always find a way to help you claim the maximum deductions at the time of tax return. You can always check online for more information on Property Investment returns.

Can I Back-claim for Depreciation on My Rental Property?

Did you own a property for several years but fail to claim depreciation? If so, this unfortunately also implies that you must have over-paid your taxes for all these years. You can heave a sigh of relief as you can claim back over-paid amount from ATO when you prepare your property depreciation schedule. However, your earlier tax lodgements and personal situation will decide how many years’ tax you can back-claim. You should also seek advice from a professional who will give you detailed information on this front.

How Many Years of Depreciation will you be able to Back-Claim?

As per ATO rules, the law has set some limits for amending your tax assessment. The time limit has been set for two years for individuals and small business organisations. For other taxpayers, the time limit is four years. And the time limit will be calculated as:

If you are a sole trader and get notice of assessment on November 12, 2017, the two-year amendment duration begins on November 13, 2017. It will end after two years on November 12, 2019. You must take everything into consideration when you decide to lodge an Australian tax return.

Amendment Request

You will be allowed to file more than one amendment request within a period of the review. It also implies that individuals are permitted to amend nearly 2 years earlier tax returns. If you happen to be the beneficiary of a trust, four years limit for amendments will apply. Additionally, all remaining entities like trusts, organizations, and self-controlled super fund may amend tax returns lodged in the last 4 years as a standard. Depreciation residential rental property helps in reducing your tax liabilities to a considerable extent.

How to Back-claim for Earlier Years’ Depreciation?

When you desire to back-claim for earlier years, you should file a request for an amendment to the ATO. The ATO will not be charge any fee in case you request an amendment. Additionally, you will not be required to send yet another tax return unless and until they ask you to0. You will be able to request an amendment in several ways. You should get in touch with an accountant as they have the expertise and can execute it with the least effort. We can cite an example. For instance, you bought a 2 years old investment property in the year 2017. But you were not aware that you could benefit by claiming depreciation. The good thing is that you will be able to request amendments for your 2019 and 20219 tax returns. You can also claim deductions in your 2020 tax return and in the coming years as well.


You may claim depreciation for the years that you failed to claim. It is worth noting that ATO permits you to backdate depreciation by two years in several cases. You should evaluate all these factors prior to calculating your rental home returns. Also, properties constructed during various time periods must be claimed according to different available methods. There is no one set method for all the properties and, depreciation percentage will be calculated on the basis of the date when construction commenced on the property.

How Claiming for Depreciation Boosts Property Cash Flow

Professional tax depreciation organizations can spot several items in an investment property for which you will be eligible to claim valid depreciation benefits. Investment property owners can enhance their cash flow by claiming depreciation on investment property. You should not forget to claim a tax deduction on several household items as it will reduce your tax liability. You will be stunned to find out that even your garden gnomes are allowed to be depreciated for tax purposes. Several investors living in Australia end up underestimating the figure of items that can be depreciated for tax purposes.

Here are some vital details that you should not miss for boosting your property cash flow:

What is depreciation?

Depreciation can be defined as wear and tear of a property and its assets over a period of time. When you claim for depreciation, you are set to claim a tax deduction for loss in value of those assets as they age with time. Depreciation has emerged as one of the biggest tax deductions available for property investors every financial year. It also has the capacity to boost the rental property’s cash flow every year. You must claim for depreciation by using a tax depreciation schedule prepared with the help of a reliable quantity surveyor (QS).

Don’t forget to do your tax return

Depreciation can be claimed in the form of tax deduction in your tax return every year. You remain eligible to seek a claim for it in a similar manner as you claim for insurance, repairs & maintenance, property management fees, etc. The major difference from the other claimable expenditures is that depreciation has turned out to be a planned and calculated deduction. It implies that how much you will be able to claim for depreciation will be calculated with the help of formula. The calculation will be based on your building’s construction cost (Division 43), asset values, and effective life of every asset in your property (Division 40).

What is the role of an expert Quantity Surveyor?

It is not a herculean task to claim for depreciation. You can hire the services of professional QS to prepare your rental property depreciation schedule. An expert QS will be entrusted with the task of calculating depreciation that you may claim yearly and report it in your depreciation schedule. A depreciation schedule can be explained as a one-off purchase highlighting specifics of all deductions going ahead for the rest of your property’s lifespan. You may provide your depreciation schedule to a reliable accountant when you do your taxes every year.


You can start claiming depreciation as it is a relatively simple procedure. You may get in touch with specialist QS from Deppro depreciation to arrange a tax depreciation schedule for your property. It is worth noting Quantity Surveyors have been recognized by ATO under tax legislation TR97/25. A Quantity Surveyor possesses the important skills required for estimating construction costs for depreciation purposes. You should also organize a site inspection of the property to grab measurements and take pictures’ record of any assets inside the property.

Claiming the Maximum Deductions Out of Your Rental Property

Are you paying lots of taxes? Worry no more. You must start checking your options – can you claim depreciation on a rental property. Investing in property has already emerged as a top choice for many individuals. Additionally, there are several expenditures that you may claim in the form of tax deductions from a rental property. There are scenarios when allowable deductions may surpass rental income and put you in a loss position. It is also known as negative gearing.

Given below are some costs that will help you enhance your deduction on your rental property:

1. Borrowing costs:

This expenditure is linked to the fee produced when borrowing money for the purchase of a property. It is worth noting that these expenditures are eligible for deductions over a period of loan or more than 5 years period. For this, the total borrowing expenditure must be over $100. You will be able to claim several borrowing expenditures which may include Loan establishment fees, mortgage broker fees, stamp duty levied on the mortgage, lender’s mortgage insurance among others.

2. Gardening fees:

These costs are also eligible for deduction. This will include dump fees, tree cutting charges, replacement costs incurred in garden tools, sprays, fertilisers, mower expenses, etc. You may speak to leading professionals as well if you face difficulties in calculating your tax depreciation cost.

3. Land Tax:

Land tax is the tax levied on the value of the land which is also tax-deductible. The bill of assessment of the land tax payable will be provided soon after the land tax registration form is submitted.

4. Repair and maintenance cost:

The cost that you incur when doing repairs and maintenance is also deductible. However, the cost can be claimed at a specific rate every year. Repairs are referred to as the cost that you bear when there is damage or deterioration to the property. For instance, when you replace a part of a window damaged during a tornado or hurricane, it may also include repairing electrical appliances, plumbing, painting the rental property, and repairing due to falling of tree branches, etc.

5. Telephone expenditures:

You can also obtain deductions on expenses incurred due to telephone calls. The telephone calls that you make while maintaining the investment property are always tax-deductible. You should calculate precisely all the allowable depreciation on rental property to maximise your deduction.

6. Water expenditures:

It is interesting to note that water rates are also tax-deductible. However, it will happen only in those scenarios when you pay the water bills and not your tenant.

7. Stationary and postage expenses:

This may include the expenses linked to the purchase of pens, paper, or various other office stationery items. It will also comprise the postage used for a rental property to communicate with agents or tenants. These expenses will be deductible.


Building tax depreciation may also include various expenses for which you may claim a deduction. You may also seek deductions on agent fees and landlord insurance to cover the property from being damaged.

Uncovering the Tax Benefits of Commercial Property Depreciation

Are you facing difficulties deciding whether to invest in a commercial or residential property for your portfolio? It may become difficult to comprehend tax depreciation allowances available for investors of commercial property over those available for residential properties. There are scores of rules that are applicable and differences in depreciation discovered may vary considerably. However, when you gain awareness on commercial property depreciation, it will assist you in making informed decisions. You must acquire detailed knowledge of depreciation rules for rental property and commercial properties.

Given below are some ways that will help you in enhancing your tax benefits:

1. Are older buildings eligible for building allowance?

The building allowance can be described as a decline in the value of commercial property’s concrete, mortar, brickwork, concrete, etc. The date when construction began will help in deciding what building allowance you may claim. For non-residential properties, allowance is kept at varying interest rates. It is 2.5% (20 July 1982 – 21 August 1984), 4% (22 August 1984 – 15 September 1987), and 2.5 % (16 September 1987 – Onwards). You should have detailed knowledge of investment property depreciation rules but if you don’t, contact Deppro today to learn more.

2. Claimable objects differ by industry and actual life:

Every year, the ATO prepares a list of assets that you can and cannot claim. Commercial property owners do not have their own list. However, some assets are eligible to be claimed at varying rates to residential properties. For example, carpets are eligible to be claimed for a period of eight-year in commercial and ten years for residential. You will also find industry-specific assets that the ATO has specified for depreciation claims. And, if you have a restaurant, you can claim items in particular to your line of business. It is important to get the property valuation done by an expert.

3. Tax break assists small-time business owners:

It is worth noting that small business owners can significantly enhance their cash flow with the help of a tax break. According to the May 9, 2017, federal budget, the immediate asset write-off got stretched till June 30, 2018. The federal budget projected to stretch the legislation in 2018 once again and, after a long postponement, the extension of legislation was passed by Senate on September 12, 2018.


The bigger the building, the more you may claim. The height of the building may play an important role in the amount of depreciation available for property owners. You may refer to ATO property depreciation rules. Bigger structures may attract increased deductions because there is more capital works expenditure involved in the building construction. And, multi-story buildings largely have common property assets like lifts and fire services that may lead to plant and equipment depreciation.

Getting Smart about Tax Depreciation

It is vital to claim depreciation as it is one of the most important tax benefits that you can avail. However, several property owners are not aware of this benefit. You should never overlook depreciation for tax purposes.

Depreciation can be defined as a non-cash deduction. You do not have to invest even a single penny to claim it. As any property ages, it begins to witness some wear and tear. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) does not bar investors from claiming rental and investment property depreciation. It is interesting to note that the ATO has recognised over 1500 items as depreciable assets. You may seek the services of an expert Quantity Surveyor to claim these deductions.

Given below are some key points that you must be aware of while claiming tax depreciation:

Plants and equipment:

The ATO has identified and specified that plant and equipment undergo wear and tear at a relatively fast rate. As a result of this, these items may need to be replaced a little earlier than others. Plant and equipment may include the loose assets or control panels for automated systems in the building. These items include carpets, ovens, blinds, cooktops, AC systems, door closer, garage door motors, and freestanding furniture among others. If you are still facing some confusion, get the Deppro contact number and eliminate all your doubts.

Capital works allowance:

These are based on the past construction cost of the investment property. You will be eligible to claim capital allowances on your actual residential property where it was built after September 15, 1987. It is important to note, you can claim any qualifying renovation or developments completed either by you or the earlier owner. For instance, if you constructed your property in the year 1996, you can assess the cost to construct the property at that time and you will be able to claim 2.5 percent of the value each financial year. The depreciable items are driveway fences, sinks, basins, baths, garages, door & window fittings, etc.  You may also like to read helpful Deppro reviews to clear your doubts.

Can you claim depreciation if it was built before 1987?

To be eligible for depreciation deductions, the building does not have to be new. New and old residential and investment properties will attract depreciation deductions alike.

Depreciation schedule:

You must be aware of depreciation schedules and how they may be able to help you to save money. Any building qualified to claim building write-off allowance has a maximum life of 40 years from the date when construction was finalised. In other words, the owner will be eligible to claim a maximum of 40 years of depreciation on a new building.


You must prepare your house depreciation report effectively to minimise your tax liabilities. According to research, 15 percent to 35 percent of the construction cost of a residential property is manufactured from plant & equipment items. You should maximise their value in order to maximise your depreciation claim. Your depreciation schedule will outline the specific deductions available on a particular property; the details will come handy for the property investor while preparing a tax return report.

A Depreciation Checklist for Commercial Property Owners and Tenants

You may find it difficult to comprehend the various tax depreciation allowances available for owners and tenants of commercial property. With increased awareness about Australian tax depreciation, property owners and tenants may make more informed financial decisions and enhance their cash flow. A property owner is eligible to claim depreciation for Division 43 capital works that they have paid for. This may include building, structural additions, and recently constructed or renovated kitchens, outdoor areas, and improved bathrooms. Additionally, Division 40 assets are also claimable that they have paid for and included as part of the tenancy agreement. Tenants may also claim depreciation for building fit-out in case they paid for it as along with machinery, furniture, etc.

Here is the checklist:

1. Capital works deductions:

These deductions are applicable to structural elements of a building. Capital works deductions will apply on bricks, mortar, walls, tiling, flooring, wiring, concrete, mezzanines, etc. These deductions are based on the past expenditures of the building. And, apart from the tourists’ accommodation, they can be claimed on commercial buildings in which construction started after July 2, 1982. Capital works deductions for tourists’ accommodation are eligible to be claimed on building in which construction began after August 21, 1979. Consider these factors when you calculate depreciation for property.

2. Plant and equipment depreciation:

Plant and equipment assets can be defined as those assets that are removable within an income-generating property. It may include hot water systems, ceiling fans, carpets, air conditioners, exhaust fans, light shades, and blinds, among others. Depreciation for plant and equipment assets will be calculated on the basis of the individual effective life of every object as specified by ATO. The actual life of assets tends to differ from one industry to another industry. Therefore, it becomes significant to refer to an expert Quantity Surveyor, as they will ensure that deductions are calculated appropriately.

3. Tax depreciation schedule:

A tax depreciation schedule can be described as a report that includes all deductions in the income-generating property. The report is prepared with the assistance of an expert Quantity Surveyor. It can assist to enhance property owners’ and commercial tenants’ flow of cash. The quantity surveyor will require a few details while preparing a schedule. Amid the vast commercial property types, an expert site inspector will have to carry out detailed scrutiny. In this they will assess the building and floor coverings, specify construction methods, the material used, condition of te property, and workmanship, among other things. The Quantity Surveyor will then use these details to enhance depreciation deductions.


Tax Depreciation Schedule will remain in existence for forty years. The quantity surveyor will also extend his help to property investors in claiming depreciation on investment property. If you are keen to boost the capital works and depreciation deductions, you must always hire a professional quantity surveyor as they will help in processing known and unknown costs alike. Not to mention, they can also asses the contract of sale and tenancy contracts to make sure that building works and assets are correctly allocated between entities.

4 Commercial Property Depreciation Facts You Must Know

Many commercial property owners aren’t aware that they are eligible to claim depreciation on property. According to a study, approximately 80% of investors miss the benefits of their commercial property and end up losing plenty of money every year in Australia. It is imperative for all commercial property owners to claim depreciation. These deductions can significantly enhance the positive cash flow of an investor and diminish the negative cash flow. We have prepared a list of significant factors that property owners may consider in a bid to earn more from their commercial property.

Given below are the factors about commercial property depreciation:

1. Depreciation and how you can claim it:

According to the ATO, it is necessary for investors to prepare a report of their income-earning from their commercial property. This will prove useful when preparing their income tax assessment. And, property investors of commercial property are eligible to claim depreciation. Depreciation takes place when a property shows signs of wear and tear in its structure, fixtures & fittings over the years. It is considered to be a non-cash deduction which means that investors must not spend any amount to claim it. Property investors must calculate depreciation on rental property in an accurate manner to maximise their claim.

2. Life of a building:

Property owners will also be eligible to claim any latest renovations that took place since July 20 1982 snd, it doesn’t matter if it was carried out by an earlier owner. Additionally, plant and equipment depreciation can be claimed as well, irrespective of age. The instances of plant and equipment may include carpets, and ac units, among others. Expert quantity surveyors will carry out a property inspection and take images and prepare a list of additions made to the commercial property. They will offer an itemised tax depreciation schedule to property investors that include the availability of deductions for a period of 40 years. You may seek a Deppro review from our professionals, in case you encounter any confusion.

3. Depreciation of other items:

While preparing a commercial building property depreciation schedule, it may be tough to work out who is eligible to claim depreciation for specific items. Landlord and the sitting tenant will be able to claim depreciation for any fit-out made to a property. Tenants of commercial properties will be eligible to seek a claim of depreciation for any fit-out that they introduced. It may include blinds, shelving, and carpets, among others. Additionally, owners of a commercial property can also claim depreciation on any installed asset or assets left by a previous tenant.

4. Select a method:

After calculating depreciation, property investors may choose two methods for making a depreciation claim. This includes: diminishing value method and prime cost method – property investors can use either. Deductions will be calculated according to a percentage of balance you leave to subtract under the diminishing value method. Meanwhile, the deduction for every year can be calculated as a percentage of cost under the prime cost method.


You must be aware of how to calculate depreciation for your commercial property accurately to maximise your gains. If you face any difficulty in calculating depreciation, use our Deppro contact number, and call our experts. They will help you calculate it accurately. You may consult their quantity surveyor as well who have achieved specialisation in tax depreciation.

All You Need to Know About Taxes on Rental Income

When you have secured ownership of an investment property, you collect rent from your tenants. It is worth noting that you must declare that portion of rental income on your taxes. You have the scope of deducting all the expenses that you incurred while maintaining your rental property. You must carefully check the Australian tax depreciation rules. Some of the common expenses that you may claim include maintenance costs, depreciation, and borrowing expenses. You will not be able to claim deductions for those things that your tenant/s paid for. Tenants pay for utility bills or improvement bills among other things.

If you have become a landlord recently and you are facing some complications, here is how you may avoid common tax mistakes:

You need to make sure that your property is available for rent:

You need to make sure that your property is actually available for rent to claim a tax deduction. Along with this, you must showcase a clear will to rent your investment property. You may advertise the property so that someone can rent for it. You should read in detail about investment property depreciation rules to remove all doubts. It will be ideal on your part to avoid unrealistic rental conditions.

Get initial repairs and capital improvements correct:

You will be able to claim for ongoing repairs that are linked to wear or tear or some other damages. The damages must occur due to renting out the property and you will be able to claim them in full. You can claim them in the similar year you faced those expenses. If you get the hot water system or a part of a broken roof repaired, these can be deducted right away. Initial repairs for damages that took place when the property was bought like replacing damaged light fitting can’t be deducted immediately.

Claiming borrowing costs:

If your borrowing costs happen to be more than $100, the deduction will get spread over five years. And, if borrowing costs are below $100 or just $100, you may claim the entire figure in the similar year you faced those expenses. Leading professionals fees, costs incurred in preparing will help you understand how depreciation for property needs to be calculated. Borrowing costs may include loan establishment fees, costs incurred in preparing and filling mortgage documents, and title search charges.

Claiming purchase expenses:

You will not be able to claim any deductions for the expenses you incurred on purchasing your property. These may include the conveyance cost and stamp duty charges. When you sell your property, these expenses will be used while working out whether you need to pay capital gains tax.

Claiming interest on a loan:

You may claim an interest in the form of a deduction if you take a loan for your rental property. If you use a part of that loan money for personal use, you will not be able to claim interest on that portion. You will only claim that part of the interest that is linked to the rental property.


Therefore, we can conclude here that the above points will eliminate all your doubts pertaining to rental income. You may talk to expert Quantity Surveyors to understand depreciation rules for rental property. When a rental property is rented out to family or dear ones at below market price, you must know what to do in such a scenario. Many property owners face difficulty in this situation. It is worth noting that you may claim a deduction for that tenure up to the rental income you received. You must have proper evidence of your income and expenses so that you can claim for things you are entitled to.