4 Important Things That Your Tax Depreciation Schedule Must Include
A depreciation schedule has emerged as something that every individual investor must invest in. It can assist you to reduce the tax you need to pay apart from enhancing the return on investment for your property. When you decide to claim depreciation on your investment property, you will require an investment property depreciation schedule. And, the federal tax depreciation schedule must be prepared with the help of an expert quantity surveyor. The expert will be listing your entire depreciable items that may include effective life that remained in every item. The reason why it must be prepared by a quantity surveyor is that they have been recognised by ATO.
Here are some of the crucial things that your tax depreciation schedule must include:
1. Common indoor items:
A professional quantity surveyor must include common indoor items while preparing a tax depreciation schedule. You are eligible to claim depreciation on your unit’s assets. And, you can also claim for assets that you share with other units in the apartment complex. However, you will be allowed to claim your share of those assets. These common items may include fire extinguishers, AC units, and lifts, among others. You will also be entitled to claim for ventilation and hot water systems. Expert quantity surveyors from Deppro can effectively prepare your depreciation schedule and minimize your tax liability.
2. Scrapped objects:
When you carry out renovations on your property, you may be left with some assets that don’t have to use anymore. Many people tend to dump the scrapped objects sans giving any second thought. Old objects have a scrapping and residual value. You will be eligible to claim a final depreciation sum on an object that you plan to chuck away after renovation.
3. Common outdoor objects:
You can also claim depreciation on common outdoor objects. It is because any object outside the apartment does possess value to you. It may include the fences, pathways, several landscaping objects like pergolas. You can also make a claim on a shared swimming pool too. These items will find their way into your depreciation schedule. However, you may not be able to claim for every common outdoor object. Meanwhile, you must be continuously updated about the ATO depreciation rates.
4. Design professional’s fees:
It is worth noting that you may include fees you paid to your design and construction expert in your tax deductions. Your depreciation schedule should account for the expenses of these construction works. It will include the amount you paid to a designer who conducted work on the project.
The above expenses will help to maximising your claims. The expert QS will help in preparing your rental property depreciation report. Meanwhile, don’t forget to include the money you paid to the council. As you need to pay fees to the council for several services. These are the expenses that you may incur with lodging application fees or securing council permits. If your building is your own property, you may have to spend money on infrastructure. So, your depreciation report must include the above expenses.