A blog by Paul Bennion.
What is a tax depreciation estimate
A DepproTax Depreciation Estimate provides potential investors with estimated figures of the possible deductions available in the first 11 years of the property. Tax Depreciation Estimates can not be used for tax purposes as the reason of Tax Depreciation Estimates is toindentify the likely deductions available should the property be used to generate an income for the purchasers.
Who should be getting a tax depreciation estimate
Developers, Real Estate Agents or anyone selling a development will benefit from a Tax Depreciation Estimate as the purpose is to highlight the potential tax deductions to potential purchasers should the property be acquired for investment purposes.
Other beneficiaries who may want to consider obtaining a Tax Depreciation Estimate are property investors who are looking to expand or create their portfolio. By considering the depreciation potential of a property, investors will gain a better understanding of their cash flow scenario.
When is the best time to get a Deppro Tax Depreciation estimate
A Tax Depreciation Estimate can be generated anytime during the development phase of a project. Tax Depreciation Estimates are commonly obtained prior to the release of the properties to the general public as the estimates are used as an additional marketing tool for the development.
For property investors who take into consideration the depreciation potential of a certain property before purchasing, a Tax Depreciation Estimate will enable investors to gain a greater understanding of their potential cash flow position prior to settlement.
What are the costs involved in obtaining a tax depreciation estimate
There are no costs associated with obtaining a Tax Depreciation Estimate from Deppro. For Tax Depreciation Estimates on a new developments please contact your local Deppro office on 1300 888 489 or our National Sales & Marketing Manager Willie Peters via email on wpeters@deppro.com.au.
For an instant Tax Depreciation Estimate on one off residential properties please visit www.stm8.deppro.net.au to advantage of Deppro’s free estimation calculator. Property Investors who utilise Deppro’s estimate calculator will be able to instantly gain an understanding of the potential deductions available; this is a valuable tool in determining an after-tax cash flow position.
How is a Tax Depreciation Estimate obtained
There are several simple & easy methods a Tax Depreciation Estimate can be obtained from Deppro. Firstly by contacting one of Deppro’s 5 offices located throughout Australia on 1300 888 489, where one of our team members will be able to assist. Alternatively for those who are continually on the move, Deppro has released our very own smart phone app. This free App enables users to generate an instant Tax Depreciation Estimate Get a Quote or order a Tax Depreciation Schedule whilst on the move. The App is available via the Apple and Andriod App Store by search ‘DepproTax’.